Starter Image Bootmode
From Wiki-DB
With the Version v6.0 of the Starter Image you can easily switch between four bootmodes:
- plain Avenger96 without any mezzanine cards
- support for Tresor TPM2 board with tpm2-tools:
- support for Shiratech 96B-MEZ-CAM1 board
- support and demo for Shiratech LTE and Sensors mezzanine:
The boot mode can be selected in U-Boot menu during startup.
To swtich between them, wait during the first seconds of startup untill you are asked to selecte a boot mode:
Select the boot mode 1: Avenger96 without mezzanines 2: Tresor TPM + UART board 3: Shiratech 96B-MEZ-CAM1 camera 4: M4-core demo on LTE-sensors board Enter choice:
After seeing this line, simple add you number of choice and hit enter to continue the boot process.
If you want to change the settings permanently, you have to modify this file: