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Revision as of 12:29, 5 February 2014 by Ageisreiter (talk | contribs) (→‎USB Camera demo)
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Q: I'm not able to start ActiveSync connection via USB?
A: 1. Connect USB cable 2. Go to Network and Dial-Up Connections 3. Launch USB connection
Q: How to save hive registry
A: Use SaveHiveRegistry tool, which is stored on development microSD card.


CAN Demo Binary and Source
Software Development Kit

Audio Codec

Record input selection

Select Microphone as the recorder device
wavmixer –s IN 2 1
Select LineIn as the recorder device
wavmixer –s IN 2 0

Microphone boost

Enable 20dB Mic boost
wavmixer –s IN 3 1

USB Camera demo


This DDrawTest application could be used to show USB camera live stream. The application can be found on the development microSD card.

How to change resolution

Note: Possible resolutions depends on the used usb camera.

CAN demo


This sample application send CAN messages and tries to receive CAN messages during the duration time.
Note: The application uses the extended CAN ID.


candemo <options>
-d = duration time [ms]
-b = baudrate [kHz]
-idrx = receiver ID
-idtx = AM35x (transmitter) ID
default options
Baudrate default = 100kHz
Duration default = 10000ms
idrx (Receiver ID) default = 0x79
idtx (AM35x ID) default = 0x78
duration = 10sec., baudrate = 500kHz, idrx = 0x79 (121d), idtx = 0x78 (120d)
candemo -d10000 -b500 -idtx120 -idrx121

DHHalLib (function library)

The DHHalLib provides hardware related functions for Windows Embedded CE 6 and Windows Embedded Compact 7. All the functionality is available from the user mode.

Version numbers

Read DHHalLib version
unsigned long DHHalLibGetVersion()
Return value: unsigned long --> version number (e.g. 0x01040001 for version
BSP version
unsigned long BSPGetVersion()
Return value: unsigned long --> version number (e.g. 0x01040001 for version
Note: The version number information is stored in the following registry key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Ident] dword:"BSPVersionNumber"
Read image version
unsigned long WinCEImageGetVersion()
Return value: unsigned long --> version number (e.g. 0x01040001 for version


bool I2COpen(unsigned char cI2CPort)
Input values:
unsigned char cI2CPort = DHCOM I2C port number (1.. 2)
Return value: bool --> true = success; false = failed
void I2CClose(unsigned char cI2CPort)
Input values:
unsigned char cI2CPort = DHCOM I2C port number (1.. 2)
bool I2CRead( unsigned char cI2CPort, unsigned char cDevId, unsigned char cI2CReg, bool bSendStop, unsigned char *pOutBuffer)
Input values:
unsigned char cI2CPort = DHCOM I2C port number (1.. 2)
unsigned char iDevId = I2C device address (0..127)
unsigned char iI2CReg = I2C device register address (0..255)
bool bSendStop = NOT SUPPORTED
unsigned char *pOutBuffer = Pointer to the read byte
Return value: bool --> true = success; false = failed
bool I2CWrite( unsigned char cI2CPort, unsigned char cDevId, unsigned char cI2CReg, unsigned char cValue, bool bSendStop)
Input values:
unsigned char cI2CPort = DHCOM I2C port number (1.. 2)
unsigned char iDevId = I2C device address (0..127)
unsigned char iI2CReg = I2C device register address (0..255)
unsigned char iValue = Value to be written
bool bSendStop = NOT SUPPORTED
Return value: bool --> true = success; false = failed
Read multiple bytes
bool I2CReadMultipleBytes( unsigned char cI2CPort, unsigned char cDevId, unsigned char cI2CReg, unsigned char cBytes, bool bSendStop, unsigned char *pOutBuffer)
Input values:
unsigned char cI2CPort = DHCOM I2C port number (1.. 2)
unsigned char iDevId = I2C device address (0..127)
unsigned char iI2CReg = I2C device register address (0..255)
unsigned char cBytes = Number of bytes to be read (max. 255)
bool bSendStop = NOT SUPPORTED
unsigned char *pOutBuffer = Pointer to the read buffer
Return value: bool --> true = success; false = failed
Write multiple bytes
bool I2CWriteMultipleBytes( unsigned char cI2CPort, unsigned char cDevId, unsigned char cI2CReg, unsigned char cBytes, bool bSendStop, unsigned char *pInBuffer)
Input values:
unsigned char cI2CPort = DHCOM I2C port number (1.. 2)
unsigned char iDevId = I2C device address (0..127)
unsigned char iI2CReg = I2C device register address (0..255)
unsigned char cBytes = Number of bytes to be written (max. 255)
bool bSendStop = NOT SUPPORTED
unsigned char *pInBuffer = Pointer to the input buffer
Return value: bool --> true = success; false = failed
Bus scan
bool I2CProbe(unsigned char cI2CPort, unsigned char cDevId)
Scans the bus for the specified device address. Is this achievable, then the function returns "true".
Input values:
unsigned char cI2CPort = DHCOM I2C port number (1.. 2)
unsigned char iDevId = I2C device address (0..127)
Return value: bool --> true = success; false = failed


Note: These functions can only access the DHCOM standard GPIOs. The mapping is done with the following enum.
  enum DHCOM_GPIOEnum
bool GPIOSetDirection( DHCOM_GPIOEnum eGpio, bool bInOut, bool bDefaultState)
Input values:
DHCOM_GPIOEnum eGpio = DHCOM GPIO pin name
bool bInOut = GPIO direction (1 = input / 0 = output)
bool bDefaultState = Default state (0 = low / 1 = high)
Return value: bool --> true = success; false = failed
Set state
void GPIOSetPin(DHCOM_GPIOEnum eGpio, bool bState)
Input values:
DHCOM_GPIOEnum eGpio = DHCOM GPIO pin name
bool bState = pin state ( 0 = low / 1 = high)
Read state
bool GPIOGetPin(DHCOM_GPIOEnum eGpio)
Input values:
DHCOM_GPIOEnum eGpio = DHCOM GPIO pin name
Return value: bool --> 0 = low; 1 = high


Read physical address
int ReadPhysicalAddress(int iPhyAddr, unsigned char cRegSize)
Input values:
int iPhyAddr = Physical address
unsigned char cRegSize = Register size (16 = 16bit; 32 = 32bit)
Return value: int --> current value of the physical address
Write physical address
int WritePhysicalAddress( int iPhyAddr, unsigned char cRegSize, int iValue, bool bReadBack)
Input values:
int iPhyAddr = physical address
unsigned char cRegSize = Register size (16 = 16bit; 32 = 32bit)
int iValue = Value to be written
bool bReadBack = true --> the current value is read back after the write; false --> the current value isn’t read back after the write
Return value: int --> content of the physical address after write, if bReadBack = true. Otherwise the function returns 0.
Map physical memory
PVOID UserMmMapIoSpace(ULONG PhysicalAddress, ULONG NumberOfBytes, BOOLEAN CacheEnable)
Note: Not supported from WinEC7.
UnMap physical memory
void UserMmUnmapIoSpace(PVOID BaseAddress, ULONG NumberOfBytes)
Note: Not supported from WinEC7.


bool SetPWM(ULONG Period, ULONG DutyCycle)
Input values:
ULONG Period = Period in us
ULONG DutyCycle = Duty cycle in percent
Return value: bool --> true = success; false = failed

Touch screen

Calibrate touch
bool CalibrateTouch()
Return value: bool --> true = success; false = failed
Save calibration data
bool SaveTouchCalibrationData()
This function sets the registry entry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\TOUCH] dword:"TouchCalibrationDone" to the value 1. For saving the value permanent please call SaveRegistry() afterwards.
Return value: bool --> true = success; false = failed
Clear calibration data
bool ClearTouchCalibrationData()
This function sets the registry entry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\TOUCH] dword:"TouchCalibrationDone" to the value 0. For saving the value permanent please call SaveRegistry() afterwards.
Return value: bool --> true = success; false = failed


Save HIVE registry
bool SaveRegistry()
Return value: bool --> true = success; false = failed
Create backup
bool CreateRegistryBackup()
This function generates the files ave_HKLM_Reg.srg and Save_HKLCU_Reg.srg in the folder \Storage Card\. These files can be used at a later time to restore the registry.
Return value: bool --> true = success; false = failed
Restore backup
bool RestoreRegistryBackup()
This function restores the registry from the files Save_HKLM_Reg.srg and Save_HKLCU_Reg.srg in the folder \Storage Card\. Afterwards a restart is carried out automatically. If the backup files are not present, then the function returns the return value flase.
Return value: bool --> true = this never happens because a soft reset is performed; false = failed

Watchdog & Reset

Soft reset
void SoftReset()