COM iMX25 Linux

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Linux virtual machine for development

Get the Virtual machine


v1.1 - Debian Squeeze v1.1.zipx    - Update Eclipse to Indigo with CDT 8.0
                                   - Add demo project "crosshelloworld"

v1.0 - Debian Squeeze.zipx         - First release

Setting up a Eclipse Cross Executable Project:

  • Use Eclipse Indigo (version 3.7.1) for your project.
  • Create a new C++ Project and choose as Executable Project type "Cross-Compile Project" and as Toolchains "Cross GCC"
  • Click the Button "Next" and specify under "Tool command path" the Toolchain path. For Codesourcery it is the folder "CodeSourcery/Sourcery_G++_Lite/bin". Under Prefix type "arm-none-linux-gnueabi-".

Building your own Kernel

Sources for the iMX25 Kernel:

How to build a kernel:

1. Start the Console on Linux
2. $ tar xfjv linux-2.6.38.tar.bz2
3. $ cd /kernel/path
4. $ patch -p1 <linux-2.6.38_DHCOM_iMX25.patch
5. $ cp .config /kernel/path
6. $ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- make uImage

The uImage file will you find in ../build-linux/arch/arm/boot

Update the kernel with U-Boot

You can update the linux kernel with U-Boot flash update.

1. Copy the "uImage" and "uImage.env" file onto a microSD card with a FAT file system
2. Insert the microSD card and start the system
3. Go to the U-Boot console by pressing <Return> on a RS232 terminal (during startup)
4. $ update linux

How to use/update our root file system

1. Format a microSD card like following (in linux e.g. you can use palimpsest)
   MBR partition scheme
   P1 FAT  (100MB)
   P2 ext3 (residual space)
2. Copy root file system onto the ext3 partition of the microSD card
   Start the Console on Linux
   $ su
   $ chmod 755 /path/of/the/microSD card
   $ cd /path/of/the/microSD card
   $ tar xfjv Name_of_RootFS_file.tar.bz2

Debian system

Calibrating the touchscreen

TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 ts_calibrate

Running example Qt Apps

QWS_MOUSE_PROTO=Tslib:/dev/input/event0 /usr/qt/demos/demoname/demoname -qws
For the Qt-Browser change demoname to browser

Login/Shutdown system

  Name:     root
  password: foo

  $ shutdown -h now

Busybox system

Calibrating the touchscreen

TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/event0 ts_calibrate

Running example Qt Apps

QWS_MOUSE_PROTO=Tslib:/dev/event0 /usr/qt/demos/demoname/demoname -qws
For the Qt-Browser change demoname to browser

Login/Shutdown system

  Name:     root
  password: n/a

  $ halt