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Bootloader U-Boot

Console commands

NAND Flash

Nand Flash Read

nand read <SDRAM address> <NAND Flash address> <Bytes>

Example: nand read 80000000 400000 b40000

Description: Copies 11,25MByte from NAND Flash address 0x40_0000 to SDRAM address 0x8000_0000

Nand Flash Erase

nand erase <Block base address> <Bytes>

Example: nand erase 400000 40000

Description: Deletes NAND Flash content from address 0x40_0000 to 0x43_FFFF

Note: The Bytes information needs to be block size aligned!

Nand Flash Write

nand write <SDRAM address> <NAND Flash address> <Bytes>

Example: nand write 80000000 400000 b40000

Description: Cpoies 11,25MByte from SDRAM address 0x8000_0000 to NAND Flash address 0x40_0000

Note: The Bytes information needs to be page size aligned!

Show bad NAND Flash blocks

nand bad

Description: Shows the bad NAND Flash blocks.

Show NAND FLash content

nand dump <NAND Flash address>

Example: nand dump 400000

Description: Shows the content of the specified NAND Flash block

LCD contoller

Show LCD controller settings



 Display Resolution: 800 x 480 pixels
 Display Type:       Active Color Display
 Pixel Clock:        22 MHz
 Bits per Pixel:     16 Bits/Pixel
 Pixel Polarity:     Active High
 VSYNC Polarity:     Active Low
 HSYNC Polarity:     Active Low
 Clock Polarity:     Pos. Edge
 Output En Polarity: Active High
 HSYNC Puls Width:   64 Clock Cycles
 HSYNC Back Porch:   86 Clock Cycles
 HSYNC Front Porch:  42 Clock Cycles
 VSYNC Puls Width:   2 Line Cycles
 VSYNC Back Porch:   33 Line Cycles
 VSYNC Front Porch:  10 Line Cycles


Show DHCOM GPIO settings



 GPIO_A: Direction = Input
         State     = 0
 GPIO_B: Direction = Input
         State     = 0
 GPIO_C: Direction = Input
         State     = 0
 GPIO_D: Direction = Input
         State     = 0
 GPIO_E: Direction = Input
         State     = 1
 GPIO_F: Direction = Input
         State     = 1
 GPIO_G: Direction = Output
         State     = 1
 GPIO_H: Direction = Input
         State     = 1
 GPIO_I: Direction = Input
         State     = 1
 GPIO_J: Direction = Input
         State     = 1
 GPIO_K: Direction = Input
         State     = 0


Switch between MicroSD and SD Slot

mmcswitch <Slot number>

Example: mmcswitch 2

Description: Switch between SD/MMC Slots: 1 --> SD/MMC Slot, 2 --> MicroSD Slot

Initialize SD/MMC Card


Description: Initialize new inserted SD Card


Show Filesystem information

fatinfo <interface> <device>

Example: fatinfo mmc 1

Interface: MMC
 Device 1: Vendor: Man 094150 Snr 266e068c Rev: 1.0 Prod: AF UD
           Type: Removable Hard Disk
           Capacity: 121.2 MB = 0.1 GB (248320 x 512)
 Partition 1: Filesystem: FAT16 "NO NAME    "


Registry Settings

LCD Controller

  "PanelType"=dword:1    ; LCD Panel identifier 
                         ; Description: Set "PanelType" = 0 to use the bootloader LCD controller settings, which can be programmed to NAND Flash via settings.bin file.
  "Angle"=dword:0        ; no rotation
                         ; "Angle"=dword:5A --> 90 degrees rotated clockwise
                         ; "Angle"=dword:B4 --> 180 degrees rotated clockwise
                         ; "Angle"=dword:10E --> 270 degrees rotated clockwise

Task Bar Look

  “QVGA“=dword:00000001  ; Change Task bar style: 0 --> normal Windows look, 1 --> PDA look